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Blog Archives - Summer Pests

What You Should Know About the Summer Wasp Season

What You Should Know About the Summer Wasp Season

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Is it a bee? A fly? Or… is it a wasp? If it’s a wasp, watch out! Wasps can sting over and over, unlike their close relative, the bee. However, they are less annoying than your common housefly. They aren’t particularly interested in you. They’re interested in building a home in or […]

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Bee and Wasp Control: Safely Get Rid of Those Stinging Pests

Bee and Wasp Control: Safely Get Rid of Those Stinging Pests

Now that summer is upon us, Canadians are ducking and running for cover from bees and wasps. The truth is that bee stings are dangerous and potentially fatal. Across the globe, hundreds of people die each year due to an allergic reaction to stings. At the same time, some bees are considered an endangered species. […]

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11 Dangerous Bugs That Are Sure to Ruin Your Summer

11 Dangerous Bugs That Are Sure to Ruin Your Summer

Did you know there are an estimated 10 quintillion insects living and breathing in the world right now? That’s a lot of insects! North America has its fair share of those many bugs. Unless you’re a scientist, meeting all the different bug species probably isn’t on your bucket list. But summer is here, so chances […]

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Ready for Summer Pests in Metro Vancouver?

Ready for Summer Pests in Metro Vancouver?

Summer is here – so is an increase of wasps, ants, and bed bugs. Summer is one of the most popular seasons in greater Vancouver after many rainy months. Who else loves the warmth? Insects – some just annoying, like flies, mosquitoes, or roaches – but others can actually cause structural damage to buildings or […]

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