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Blog Archives - Commercial Pest Control Surrey

5 Common Businesses That Need Regular Pest Control Services

5 Common Businesses That Need Regular Pest Control Services

Think your business is safe from pests? You can think again. Rat populations are skyrocketing in Canada. Longer summers and milder winters might be the culprits behind the rat boom. But there are more pests than rats, and they’ll set up shop almost anywhere. Let’s take a look at 5 everyday businesses that need regular […]

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Pest Control for Commercial Kitchens and Restaurants

Pest Control for Commercial Kitchens and Restaurants

If you run a commercial kitchen and want to keep in line with BC law then you’ll need to ensure you have robust pest control. The law states that all food premises must be free from pests and the conditions that harbor them. They must also protect against pests entering the premises. In addition, the […]

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Downtown Surrey Whalley City Centre

Surrey downtown is located in the Whalley area, V3T postal area, home to city civic office buildings and city centre, library, Surrey Central mall, restaurants, hotels, and some college or university campuses, including Surrey SFU campus.  Whalley’s population is over 75,610 and single family homes remain the main type of housing. Avon Pest Control experts […]

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Pest Control Solutions For Your Commercial Building

Pest Control Solutions For Your Commercial Building

Being pestered by unwanted visitors of the small, bug-like, or furry variety in your commercial building like hotels, office building, or restaurant? Pest control is extremely important, particularly in public spaces and in business. This is because pests carry harmful bacteria that can contaminate edible goods, or make people ill. Read on to discover our […]

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An insight into commercial pest control

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A little pest can be a big nuisance in the workplace, not to mention embarassing if a customer notices. Your options? Either manual do-it-yourself pest control, or obtain professional services.  Pest management is an important element of business maintenance. But first, think about this; Are you aware of the risks that pest infestations pose to your […]

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Commercial Pest Control

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Commercial Pest Management In our Commercial Pest Control program, we not only catch pest activity in the earliest stages when our treatment is most effective, but it also provides historical records that allow us to anticipate seasonal pest pressures and prepare for them before they can occur again. Commercial businesses, especially those in the food […]

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