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Blog Archives - Bed Bugs White Rock BC

Should You Spray For Bed Bugs? 5 Facts to Know

Should You Spray For Bed Bugs? 5 Facts to Know

Got bed bugs, and unsure of whether or not to spray? We know that having a bed bug infestation is frustrating and extermination options can seem endless and conflicting. But don’t panic, we’re here to remove any confusion and lay down the facts about spraying for bed bugs. So, should you spray for bed bugs […]

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Ready for Summer Pests in Metro Vancouver?

Ready for Summer Pests in Metro Vancouver?

Summer is here – so is an increase of wasps, ants, and bed bugs. Summer is one of the most popular seasons in greater Vancouver after many rainy months. Who else loves the warmth? Insects – some just annoying, like flies, mosquitoes, or roaches – but others can actually cause structural damage to buildings or […]

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Tips For Pests And Bed bug Exterminator Services

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Be it a single-family house, apartment, or a condominium, pest problems are something very common. Learning on how to keep pests under control at home can be a difficult task but, it is very imperative to know each step of it. Many people say there is one thing that you should follow in order to […]

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Bed bug problem? No problem!

Bed bugs are very common problem in many households. These bugs are generally invisible to the eye and they only will attack you when you are deep in your sleep. These can be quite frustrating to deal with, not to mention the bed bug bite marks that you encounter the next morning after a very […]

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White Rock Pest Control Services

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The city of White Rock is known for its beautiful landscapes and waterfront. Unfortunately it’s homes and commercial buildings can host a variety of pests as well. Protecting your White Rock residence from pests like bed bugs, wasps, rodents, ants, cockroaches, silverfish, or fleas is a significant step in safeguarding its value and structural health. […]

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