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Blog Collection for Wasp or Nest Removal. All of the blogs listed here are solution for Wasp or Nest Removal.

What to do If You’re Attacked by Wasps

What to do If You’re Attacked by Wasps

In plenty of recent posts, we’ve discussed how important it is to rely on the experts for proper wasp nest removal. One wrong move could land you in the emergency room with wasp stings all over your body. While wasps only sting when they feel their nest and their queen are threatened, the aftermath could […]

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10 Facts About Wasps Everyone Should Know (Part 2)

10 Facts About Wasps Everyone Should Know (Part 2)

In our previous article, we covered numbers one through five in our essential wasp fact list. Understanding more about these insects can protect you and your family when you encounter them. While wasps do benefit their ecosystems, proper wasp nest removal performed by professionals is critical to keep you out of harm’s way. Here is […]

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10 Facts About Wasps Everyone Should Know (Part 1)

10 Facts About Wasps Everyone Should Know (Part 1)

While wasps are beneficial to gardens and help rid the area of other unwanted insects, they are equally bothersome. Known for approaching picnics and outdoor parties in search of food, wasps have the potential to turn any fun gathering into a nuisance. However, rather than overreact or put yourself in danger, we’ve compiled a list […]

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Why it’s Unsafe to Attempt to Remove Wasp Nests by Yourself

Why it’s Unsafe to Attempt to Remove Wasp Nests by Yourself

There’s no shortage of self-proclaimed experts online suggesting DIY ways to remove wasp nests and other pesky insects without a professional. While this might seem tempting to save time and money, it’s never recommended. Attempting to remove a wasp nest yourself can put you in harm’s way for stings, allergic reactions, and other severe health […]

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When Should You Contact a Wasp Exterminator?

When Should You Contact a Wasp Exterminator?

As we’ve covered in previous blogs, having wasps surrounding your home or business can be inconvenient. While these insects do provide some benefits to the local ecosystem, it’s recommended that you contact the professionals to help you get rid of them. But, how do you know when to call? In this blog, we’re going to […]

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What NOT to do With a Wasp Infestation

What NOT to do With a Wasp Infestation

Despite what most people might think, wasps are not highly aggressive insects. As we’ve covered in previous articles, a wasp’s sole intention for attacking or stinging someone is to protect their nest and their queen. Even still, many view wasps as pests and seek to get rid of them as quickly as possible, often with […]

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Tips for Avoiding Wasp Stings

Tips for Avoiding Wasp Stings

It’s summertime, which typically means more time enjoyed outdoors, a slower pace of life, and soaking up the sun. However, summer is also the prime season for wasp activity. If you’re enjoying your backyard or patio and encounter a wasp nest, don’t panic. In this guide, we’re going to give you helpful tips to avoid […]

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What Attracts Wasps to Your Home or Business?

What Attracts Wasps to Your Home or Business?

Anyone who’s dealt with a wasp infestation knows what a pain it can be. While summer is the ideal time for wasp activity, that doesn’t have to mean your outdoor activities and cookouts have to be disturbed by these pesky insects. In this blog, we’re going to pinpoint a few surefire factors that attract wasps […]

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5 Common Misconceptions About Wasps

5 Common Misconceptions About Wasps

Paper wasps are prevalent throughout Canada, and there’s a lot to know about these common pests. It’s officially summer, which means the likelihood of these insects making an appearance at your cookout or bugging you while you enjoy the great outdoors has skyrocketed. In this article, we’re going to debunk some common misconceptions about wasps to […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Paper Wasps

Everything You Need to Know About Paper Wasps

One of the most prevalent types of wasps in Canada is the paper wasp. While they’ve earned a reputation for stinging, there’s plenty more to know about these potentially pesky insects. Summer is the high season for paper wasps, so if your home or business is suffering from an infestation, don’t hesitate to contact your […]

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